

Hey Y'alll

i was on the bus today. My bus driver was this tiny little spazzy man, he was so happy to be driving this bus.

there were like 60 peepz on the bus. i was sitting in the second row, i must have seen like 50 people get off a diffrent spots before it was my turn. He said "HAVE A GREAT NIGHT!! :>  "to EACH PERSON, SWEAR TO YOU!!! as they got off. My heart was growing fonder for him, I felt so good about someone spreading cheer this late at night to a bunch of ugly miserable people getting home from work. anywho, it go to a point where in my head i said "i cant wait to get off so i can tell him to have a good night!" i practiced my "thanks! :) you too!!!" in my head. I was all chipper

we get to my stop...

3 women are getting off ahead of me and one behind me.
its my turn now.
super smily
he doesnt say "have a great night!" to me
i deflate
i hate the world
i hate you bus driver
why did u ruin my night
now i have to study for the math class i failed last semester. CUTEEEEEEE>.

mwwahhhh i love you

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

yo, if i was your bus driver i woulda said "hey baby girl, you have a beautiful night".

cause you deserve it