
Valentines Day Part 1: Do you sometimes feel other women resent you?

Have you ever danced with your shoes off?
Did you ever wish on a new moon?
Do you blush when you find yourself flirting?

When a recipe calls for one dash of bitters, do you think it's better with two?

Do you secretly hope the next man you meet will be a psychiatrist?
Do you sometimes feel that other women resent you?
Have you ever wanted to wear an ankle bracelet?
Do sables excite you, even on other women?

Do you love to look up at a man?
Do you face crowded parties with panic -- then wind up having a wonderful time?
Does gypsy music make you sad?

Do you think any man really understands you?
Would you streak your hair with platinum without consulting your husband?
If tourist flights were running, would you take a trip to Mars?

Do you close your eyes when you're kissed?
-Fire and Ice by Revlon 

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