
I'm Back

Okay, I'm back from the dead. I just painted my nails nice. took a shower. went tanning. and had brunch today. I feel kindof restored.
i know ive been making such bullshit posts. like videos and pictures. whatever. i am ready to type my thoughts ya knoo?! Although, i do think you should watch ALL the videos and look at all the pictures i post! I do it for YOU! cause i love YOU! i want to SHARE beautiful things, beautiful ideas, and provoke beautiful feelings!!!! I'm not just doing this for my health kids. So go ahead, go back a few pages and look at ALL THE VIDEOS. yes the ludacris ones, the one i jsut posted with Lou dancing, the one of the little boy singing "Damaged" by the Pussy Cat Dollz. ALL OF THEM. especially the one i did with Crystal Castles and the moving GIFs. it only took me about THREE HRS OF MY LIFE to pick the appropriate gifs to go along with it.


so right now i am working on organizing my desktop. I currently have 405 files on it! so annoying to clean out but it must be done. I have a good music review post in the making, one called Dream Babies, I DO part 1, and Brazilian Merteen. use your imagination. the ywill be amazing.

maybe ill do a I HATE BOYS rant too. ive been feeling that alot lately.

okay lylas/b
mar mar

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