

This coming month I will be participating in the NYC AIDS walk. This will be my first year joining as a Star Walker so I'm hoping to meet a minimum fund-raising amount of $1,000. I ask you guys to please help me reach my goal by donating to my AIDS WALK page. By donating as little as  $25 each we can make a big difference and help put an end to this disease which discriminates no one and sees no age, race or sex.

About 8 years ago I lost my uncle to AIDS. He was a super awesome music lover and record collector with a wife and two equally awesome kids. Like many who find out they are HIV positive, he was scared to be abandoned so he kept it a secret from my family until it was too late. It is painful to think of all the suffering him and his loved ones had to go through once the disease started unravel. I am hoping that all the wonderful people participating and donating to this event will be enough to let others know there is a strong community out there to fall back on and no one will have to ever worry about being abandoned. One day all our hard work will pay off and we will be able to put an end to this epidemic.

Thank you for your contributions.

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